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Pi Day 2015
In anticipation for Pi Day 2015, this week's Scam School remix highlights an awesome trick I can perform on YOU via Twitter. That's right, I'll personally perform an incredible feat on Twitter, DMing you your own personal answer. Check it out:
The Ultimate Marked Deck is back from the dead and back in stock!
The Ultimate Marked Deck is hands down my favorite marked deck. It uses the classic Rider Back Bicycle design and the markings are clear, yet subtle. We carried these on Scam Stuff a few years back, but they were discontinued by USPCC... now they're back from the dead, but not here to stay. You'll want to grab these while you can, after this, they'll be gone for another few year, maybe even forever.
Learn an actual skill with coins!
On this week's Scam School, Brian teaches you an actual skill that may take a bit of practice, but will have you wow'ing your friends!
Through the Table - Scam School Remix
Brian reviews this Scam School classic - disappear an object through any table!
The Inheritance Puzzle
Brian has died and gone to beer heaven... but who will receive his inheritance?! It's one of the toughest Scam School puzzles yet... can you solve it before they do?