Lucky Dice - Forcing Dice

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  • $9.99
  • Regular price $9.99
  • 7 available

This product is available in two options: one gimmicked die or a full set of six gimmicked dice with a seventh, unaltered die for switching out.

As seen on Scam School from our good friend Diamond Jim Tyler, this 16mm dice set allows you to force any number one through six and includes a seventh dice for switching out.  Check out the episode to see how you can put them to use with a simple, yet diabolical scam that will have them scratching their heads and have you swimming in free drinks!

Normal dice abide by the rule of seven; six of these dice do not but can be casually examined and handled.

These dice are expertly crafted and include forces for each number on the die!  Most sets like this will run you about $100, but these 7 Lucky Dice are available at half that price, yet they don't sacrifice any of the quality and are far superior to any do-it-yourself option.

This is a wonderful secret weapon to have in your arsenal for close-up, parlor or stage.
