Infinite Noise Pranks

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  • $60.00
  • Regular price $60.00

Ever heard of Phantom Phone Syndrome?  Where you feeeeel like your phone is going off in your pocket but it's--  I don't know...  in your hands??  But that was a real buzzing sound that's coming from somewhere, right?  It has to be!  

Everything's fine, it's just the newest prank from our friends at Joker Greeting!  Get your own!  Prank your friends and family!  They'll love it AND you.  

We have 4 brand new pranks:
a buzz buzzing phone
a cheeky creepy cackle
a screaming goat
and the evergreen favorite chirping cricket

The buzz and cackle are both battery operated one-off pranks.

The goat and cricket come in the form of a reusable USB-A with a switch to choose between more frequent noises, or a whole hour between.   

All four are guaranteed to make concentration impossible!  How fun! 

Take a look and get you one.  Or get all 4 for less!

And if they DO find the noisemaker, it clearly says "Joker" on it, so no hard feelings, right?