Killer Deck Combo

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  • Regular price $75.00
  • 3 available

It’s SIX decks of cards: four of the best trick decks out there plus two premium decks at a “killer” price.

Here's everything you get in this combo:

Arcana Alpha

Designed by top quality artists at theory11, this premium deck of playing cards oozes character and backstory. It feels alive in your hands — like a relic from another world. Features a white tuck case with gold foil accents.

Arcana Omega

The yin to the yang of Arcana Alpha, this darker color variant evokes a more mysterious and haunting quality, like an artifact stolen from a secret society. Features a black tuck case with gold foil accents.


Invisible Deck

Someone names ANY card in the deck. It’s a free choice! Then, with no funny moves, you spread the deck of cards face up between your hands. One card is reversed. It’s their card! It works every time, and you can repeat the trick over and over again with different cards.


Svengali Deck

This trick deck of cards allows you to perform a variety of mystifying card effects without any complicated sleight of hand. It’s a must-have deck for any magician. Force a card with ease; transport a chosen card elsewhere in the deck in a snap; produce the illusion that the entire deck of cards has transformed into their selected card, and more!


Stripper Deck

An amazing deck of cards that allows you to do a multitude of miracles. With this special deck, you can produce the four aces from a shuffled deck in a flash; instantly find a selected card that’s been mixed into the deck; or cut to a chosen card in the middle of the deck with perfect precision. All of this and more can be done with the stripper deck.


Mental Photography

A blank deck of cards magically prints itself in one of the most visually stunning transformations. After the cards are shown completely blank on both sides, you “mentally” print a face on one card . . . then a back on another . . . then the entire deck! The blank deck has now transformed into a completely normal looking deck.

And then, just as quickly, it goes back to being completely blank. No sleight of hand required. The deck does all the work.