King Of All Mirrors

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  • Regular price $149.99
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Make a card appear on their borrowed phone!


Every now and then, something comes along that absolutely blows us away. This is definitely one of those times. It's called the King Of All Mirrors and once you see this video, I think you'll agree. Check it out:



The King Of All Mirrors utilizes Rainbow Mirror Technology by Higar and is one of the most incredible things we've seen! You borrow someone's smartphone and take a picture of them holding the mirror. It's a strange way to get both of you in the pic so of course they're super curious to know what you're up to.

Next, you have them select a card from a deck of playing cards. You claim that just like predictive text, their phone also has some experimental new features that can predict other things. Seeing a blend of suspense and suspicion on their face, you claim the photo just taken proves it.

You have them pick up their phone and look at the photo taken just moments earlier and, impossible as it sounds, they will see a photo of themselves holding a mirror and inside the mirror in the photo, a crystal clear image of their selected card has magically appeared!

Here's all you need to know: This legitimately shocked, surprised, and delighted two battle-hardened magicians including myself. We're not sure how long this technology will remain a secret, so there's a brief window here where you can be someone with something no one else has.

If you want in, now's the time.

It's mind-blowing and fully self-contained within the mirror. In most normal lighting conditions, the mirror appears to be a regular framed mirror just like you'd see at the store. But concealed within its layers is a space-age technology that even Elon Musk would be proud of. 

Whenever the mirror is photographed with a smartphone flash, it causes an image to appear for a fraction of a second. But here's the best part: You could be standing off to the side and watching the mirror be photographed, and you'll almost never see the flash of the card. It's so deceptive and very well hidden.



There are no apps to install; it's virtually angle-proof, and you can use a borrowed smartphone! They get to keep the memory of your amazing performance with them wherever they go, and that's priceless.



See that guy? That's Robert Strong. He's a good friend of Scam School and clearly on some advanced Tesla-level sorcery up there. When he called us up and told us he had a box of this brand new effect, we jumped at the chance to get them so we could offer them to you.

As of right now, there are only a handful of these available and we're the only ones who have them. That means you have the rare opportunity to have something in your repertoire that no one else has. This is your chance to be ahead of the curve.

Making these requires extreme precision during the manufacturing process, so when this technology has briefly appeared elsewhere, you're looking at a starting price of $200 or more. Lucky for us, Robert was able to negotiate a better rate so these could retail for just $149.99.

We know the King of All Mirrors has the potential to become a signature effect that you do, and you'll love performing it so much that you'll probably do it 150 times before you know it. Heck, a dollar for each stunned spectator with a digital souvenir is a bargain.

Limited quantities are available and we're not sure how long we'll be able to offer this product, so jump in today if you want to be one of the few with something rare and amazing. 

The King Of All Mirrors comes with the framed 4" x 6" mirror, instructions, a protective case, and the potential for countless smiles and magical moments. Get yours today while supplies last.


Outlaws Crimson deck in photo is shown for scale and is not included, but feel free to grab one from us because it's a great deck and we know you'll love it.