Diamond Deck Playing Cards

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The Diamond Deck

Recently, we released The Black Diamond puzzle box and it was the only place to find Diamond Jim Tyler's brand new premium playing cards — until now.

Each deck comes in a solid black tuck case with embossed lettering and geometric foil stamping . . . and the cards are some of the best we've ever seen (because they've got a secret).

The first thing you notice is that the design is top-notch, blending art deco with Celtic geometry. But the twist lies in what you **don't** notice at first glance:

These cards have all been devilishly marked. "This is the best marking system I've ever seen," is the most common response from people who've seen and handled these. The markings are practically invisible when you don't know the secret, and once you do, they are so incredibly easy to read.

(There's even a super subtle one-way feature built into the design.)

Once you see the marks, you can't unsee them! Try it for yourself:

That's the Nine of Diamonds, King of Hearts, and Ace of Spades.

Did you work out the markings? Pretty freaking ingenious, right? And once you see them, they're HUGE! 


PS: There is a special edition of this deck with silver gilded edges, but that's only available in The Black Diamond puzzle box.