Build Your Own Padlock Kit

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  • Regular price $30.00

The Build Your Own Padlock Kit has everything you need to put together your own practice lock, and once assembled, it's rock-solid and a perfect practice tool. The kit includes the transparent lock trainer, lock pick, tension wrench, and a custom video to walk you through the process.

Become a locksmith in 15 minutes!

(It pretty much feels like you've stolen fire from the gods. Only you didn't get caught like that sucker Prometheus.)

It's just what it sounds like: Not only do you get your very own exposed-pin training padlock and lockpick, but in a matter of only 15 minutes, you build it yourself!

Your kit contains everything you need to assemble your own practice lock, complete with instructions and a custom video walking you through all the steps.

Once assembled, the lock is rock-solid and a perfect practice tool. Crafting your lock is even easier than playing Minecraft, since there are NO CREEPERS! (We assume. Actually, don't hold us to that. But you definitely won't need to harvest any minerals to assemble it.)

The Build Your Own Padlock Kit is the perfect way to learn how to pick a padlock. You'll understand every single mechanic - every spring, every pin - because you're the one who built it. Check out the full walkthrough video:


Nephew's bike locked up and the key is lost? Now you're his family hero for life. Great-aunt Gertrude can't open that old trunk in the attic? Now you're #1 in her will. Neighbor locked out of his house? Screw that guy. He was a jerk anyway.

The entire experience is quick, easy, and a total blast to go through. It's like watching an episode of How Stuff Works come alive right in front of you. I mean, check out how mesmerizing it is just to watch the key run through the pins...

Plus, with the included lock pick and tension wrench, once the padlock is built, you'll be able to practice your picking skills right away.