Sonic Nausea

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You've heard the legends, right? The military is toying with sonic speech-disruptors. LRADs blast focused sound beams from half-a-mile away. The "brown note" makes you immediately fill your Jockey's with hot chocolate (oof...  Sorry for that last visual).

For years I've been hearing about devices that could produce cringe-worthy sounds that can cause discomfort or even nausea. Part of me always figured it was mostly overstated pseudo-scientific nonsense.

But then we got our hands on "Sonic Nausea," manufactured by a military tactical supply company. I was half-terrified as I connected the 9-volt battery... I had no idea what to expect. Would I throw up? Lose my balance? End up changing my shorts?

What we felt was... strange.  Not unbearable by any stretch (at least not for the few minutes until we decided to end our self-torture), but almost indescribable. So we took our unit to the bar to see how others described it:

So... it's unpleasant. Strangely unpleasant.

Once you get your unit, you'll have the power to clear a room of annoying kids, win any prank war, or confuse any unsuspecting group of people...

Legend has it, devices like this have even been used to influence important speeches because the noise impairs focus and concentration. (But I'm not gonna lie, really I just love showing it off to people to see their reactions.)

The unit is powered by an included 9-volt battery, which will power the unit for up to 100 hours. We'll even toss in a magnet so you can easily attach the unit to any metal surface.

Just hide Sonic Nausea under a sofa, on a ceiling fan, behind a curtain, or on top of a refrigerator and you'll drive them nuts as they can't pinpoint where the unpleasant sound is coming from.

Pick yours up today for an experience that is uncomfortable and strange (and to be honest, also unique and amazing).