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Join us at the 2023 Annual Founders Day Picnic!
Howdy!We've already sold over 70% of the tickets to this year's picnic! Woo hoo! The big day is going to be April 1st, 2023 — no joke — but hurry, we expect to sell out soon! >> Get Your Ticket Here <<UPDATE: We've just confirmed that our friends from the Ice Cream Social podcast will be joining us!!So you DEFINITELY know it'll be a full day of food, fun, games, and live performances. Like always, space is tight, so we're aiming for just over 100 people. >> Get Your Ticket Here << NOTE: Some of you are awesome and insane,...
Homemade ninja-assassin flash bang grenades? You know it.
The White Russian Challenge
Use a White Russian (or beer) to puzzle their minds and earn some free drinks!
Introducing... Arson Watch
We may have released Arson Watch on April first, but that doesn't make it any less real or any less awesome. Pick up your very own Arson Watch on Scam Stuff today!
Scam School Remix: The Dime-In-Bottle Challenge
We revisit one of the most challenging bar puzzles this week on Scam School remix. Can you get the dime out of the bottle?